Friday, November 12, 2010

Life outside the blue planet

 What are those? They are just life forms either living or nonliving like viruses, might be intelligent or basic primitive forms or more advanced in outer space. Just like the non-recognized foreigners to a new country, who either may cause trouble or pay a friendly visit. 

Some believe they exist in galaxies far away or just live camouflaged in our own galaxy. Some believe there might be technologically very advanced from our own and are very bad-minded waiting to get a planet for their colonization. But most of them we believe are friendlies, just like us looking at space for life and resources.


For an alien to traverse the outer space they are believed to use massive ships that travel at or faster than the speed the speed of light. Even if they visit us with such a ship, i think they would not do such a damage that would annihilate human existence on our planet. Few believe that they travel in space with saucers like in the movie "Mars Attacks".


Many bodies in the Solar System have been suggested as being capable of containing conventional organic life. The most commonly suggested ones are listed below; of these, five of the ten are moons, and are thought to have large bodies of underground liquid (streams), where life may have evolved in a way similar to biological communities surrounding deep sea vents.
  • Mars — Life on Mars has been long speculated. Liquid water is widely thought to have existed on Mars in the past, and there may still be liquid water beneath the surface. Methane was found in the atmosphere of Mars. By July 2008, laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander had identified water in a soil sample. The lander's robotic arm delivered the sample to an instrument which identifies vapors produced by the heating of samples. Recent photographs from the Mars Global Surveyor show evidence of recent (i.e. within 10 years) flows of a liquid on the Red Planet's frigid surface.[37]
  • Mercury — The MESSENGER expedition to Mercury has discovered that a large amount of water exists in its exosphere.
  • Venus — Recently, scientists have speculated on the existence of microbes in the stable cloud layers 50 km above the surface, evidenced by hospitable climates and chemical disequilibrium.[38]
  • Jupiter — Carl Sagan and others[who?] in the 1960s and 70s computed conditions for hypothetical amino acid-based macroscopic life in the atmosphere of Jupiter, based on observed conditions of this atmosphere. These investigations inspired some science fiction stories.
  • Ganymede (Largest moon of Jupiter) — Possible underground ocean (see Europa).
  • Callisto (Moon of Jupiter) — Possible underground ocean (see Europa).
  • Europa (Moon of Jupiter) — Europa may contain liquid water beneath its thick ice layer. It is possible that vents on the bottom of the ocean warm the ice, so liquid could exist beneath the ice layer, perhaps capable of supporting microbes and simple plants, just like in Earth's hydrothermal vents.[3]
  • Titan (Largest moon of Saturn) — The only known moon with a significant atmosphere. Data from the Cassini-Huygens mission refuted the hypothesis of a global hydrocarbon ocean, but later demonstrated the existence of liquid hydrocarbon lakes in the polar regions - the first liquid lakes discovered outside of Earth.[39][40][41] Analysis of data from the mission has uncovered aspects of atmospheric chemistry near the surface which are consistent with – but do not prove – the hypothesis that organisms there are consuming hydrogen, acetylene and ethane, and producing methane.[42][43][44]
  • Enceladus (Moon of Saturn) — Geothermal activity, water vapor. Possible under-ice oceans heated by tidal effects.
Numerous other bodies have been suggested as potential hosts for microbial lifeFred Hoyle has proposed that life might exist on comets, as some Earth microbes managed to survive on a lunar probe for many years. However, it is considered highly unlikely that complex multicellular organisms of the conventional chemistry of terrestrial life (i.e. animals and plants) could exist under these living conditions.
Even if microbial extraterrestrial life were found on another body in the Solar System, it would still need to be proven that such life did not originate from Earth in the recent or distant past. For example, an alternate explanation for the hypothetical existence of microbial life on Titan has already been formally proposed[45][46] — theorizing that microorganisms could have left Earth when it suffered a massive asteroid or comet impact (such as the impact that created Chicxulub crater only 65 mya), and survived a journey through space to land on Titan 1 million years later. TheLiving Interplanetary Flight Experiment, developed by the Planetary Society and due to be launched in 2011, has been designed to test similar theories.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

technology today.

Microscopic machines :

The microprocessor is a complex beast. The complexity of minimum component costs has increased at a rate of roughly a factor per year.As technology processes, processors shrink in size. The increase in the number of transistors (capacitance) increases the performance of that particular processor. Generally a processor consist of transistors. A transistor is similar to a gate. It stops the flow of current from one side of the gate to the other side. The gate is closed until the transistor is less than a certain 'threshold'. As the voltage crosses the threshold , the gate opens up and lets the current through.Thus a transistor is either ON or OFF depending upon the threshold voltage.

The incredible shrinking through though,throws a wrench to the ideal. As transistors shrink, the wires connecting them shrink and the insulation provided by the transistor gets worse. this can be quoted as an example to a leaking dam with heavy pressure on the bottom. The walls of the dam develops holes and also it gets larger in due course of time, letting more water through.Thus when even the transistor should stop the current,it lets it through (leakage). By this a processor loses as much as 100 watts of current at 45nm.

How can you tame this beast?

Yes you can! Leakage without solutions could cause the processor to leak 100 watts of at 45nm and about 250 watts in total. one part of the solution is the implementation of a technology called silicon on insulator (SOI), pioneered by IBM. Processors are generally built on a substrate of silicon. With SOI , the silicon substrate is replaced by a sandwich of silicon-insulator-silicon. This improves the insulation of the transistor gate. Another part of the solution is using a high-k-material,such as hafnium.replacing the silicon dioxide with the high-k-material allows increased gate capacitance with the leakage effects.

Saturday, May 23, 2009



Can you explain the formation of the universe ? Many theories have been proposed by scientists revealing the formation of the universe. One such theory is the big bang theory.

According to this theory the entire universe was concentrated to a central core of a size of a peanut and the temperature of about 10 trillion billion million million degrees Celsius. Due to enormous pressure, the surrounding environment and eternal stability, violent cosmic explosions took place, as a result matter was thrown out in all directions. the presence of cosmic radiations proves this theory.

The galaxies are moving apart from each other in rushing speed, Edwin Hubble proved this by Hubble's constant. All the matter in the universe are getting used up and the universe.

A satellite is a heavenly body revolving around a specific planet or a star. Some man made satellites do revolve around the earth in thousands. They are used for communication, research, military purposes. Remote sensing satellites are mainly used for surveying the land area, weather monitoring purposes and many others.

Satellites capture infra red lights and interpret the data to give valuable information , formally weather monitoring.

They take pictures of cyclones and the cloud patterns and send exact and timely information for taking necessary actions.





Aluminium is the most abundant element next to oxygen and silicon. It is the most abundant metal of about 7.2% on the earth's crust. It was first isolated by Wohler in 1827. It was obtained by the electrolysis of bauxite by Charles martin hall in 1886.

Occurrence :

Bauxite, Cryolite and Corundum are the three minerals of aluminium. Bauxite is the ore and is extracted by the purification and electrolytic reduction.

Purification by Bayer's process :

The bauxite ore is powered and digested with a solution of caustic soda at 150°C in an autoclave under high pressure. Finally as the end of the reaction pure alumina is produced.

Electrolytic reduction :

Molten alumina is dissolved in molten Cryolite in a cast iron tank lined with a layer of graphite. A bunch of graphite rods are suspended in the molten Cryolite is the anode. This reaction take place at 900-950°C. The oxygen gas evolved burns the graphite rods away.

Physical properties of aluminium :

Aluminium is a silvery white metal of light density (2.7gm/cm³).It is metal having high tensile strength and melting point of 660°C.

Uses of Aluminium :

Aluminium is used in making electric cables, utensils, airplane parts, silver paints, fireworks, flashlight powders and explosives.

visit this website for extra information.



Technology has advanced in all directions of life. Industries no longer use human labour for performing various activities. Lifestyles vary with countries, cultures, traditions and industrial progress.

The great economic depression of the 1930's made a serious slowdown of development at that time. As companies could not afford salary for workers, all business transactions shattered. An another economic depression has arose now leading to serious problems.

Energy must be conserved for future generations to live in harmony. So let us find ways from which we can actually conserve energy to produce surplus goods with ultra purity and superb quality.